

What's It All About?
It’s pretty exciting and more than a little nerve-wracking. You’re already dealing with the pressures of your high school career and they are significant, we know. The process of getting ready, getting into and paying for college is a very big extra project in your already crowded life.

Get the facts about scholarships as well as the best advice we can offer about how to succeed in winning scholarships.

What's Next?
We will spend time in this website explaining how college funding works, the types of scholarships available, how to find them and how to apply for them. That’s pretty standard issue for a website about scholarships, although we think if you’ll pardon us saying so, that we’ve done an excellent and job of being comprehensive and readable.

How Many Scholarships Should You Apply For?
Apply to as many scholarships as you can. Even if you don’t think you’re going to get it, apply. You’ll never know if you’re going to win unless you try, and the time that you put into an application is usually worth the payoff in the end. As long as you fit the criteria, you should be applying.
